Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hola Margarita

Hello Maragarita. I hope you are doing okay; I would like to discrbe you where I live,
I live in Oakland CA in the USA. i movedfrom Peru to the United States two years ago, because of the beatiful Californian
girls everybody talks about in Peru, just kidding. I am working in a tattoo shop it is really cool the people there are
wonderful, also i am taking salsa lessons it is really exciting for me to know so many people from differents countries
and cultures. I would like to see you some time, so let know when you have a chance. Please say hello for me to your
parents, I misss dancing with you, I am going to a salsa performance on May eleven, if you get the chance come and watch the presentation it will be awsome.
so I think you will like Oaklnad because it is a really interesting place.
you take care jean